Asset valuation holds immense importance when it comes to finance and investment decision-making. Regardless of whether you are a business owner, financial professional, or an investor, it is very critical to learn methodologies and principles of asset valuation. Put simply, asset valuation is a type of valuation that focuses primarily on the value of a business’s assets or the accurate market value of the total assets after the liabilities are deducted. Basically, the assets are evaluated helping you get the fair market value.
For instance, some landowners may want to work in partnership with appraisers to figure out the market worth of the property. The prices increase over time, and the owner may find out that the property is worth more than it was a few years ago. For realistic valuation, you should learn the different methods. Here are the different methods of asset valuation.
1. Asset Accumulation Valuation
The method known as “asset accumulation” carries a similarity to the well-known balance sheet. Typically, all the assets as well as liabilities of a company are brought together, and a value is assigned to each one of them. It might sound simple in theory, but the trouble is in details. This is because every asset and liability needs to be identified in a very careful manner. Furthermore, this particular method needs an effective way to allocate value to the assets. It is worth noting that some items utilised during the valuation procedure do not show up on the balance sheet. They contain intangible assets, including patents, trademarks, etc.
2. Excess Earnings Valuation
There is also another method known as “excess earnings valuation” which is basically a mixture of income as well as assets valuation methods. Besides just evaluating a business’s tangible assets and liabilities, using this method can also help work out a business’s goodwill. When it comes to deciding goodwill, the earnings of a specific company are used as input before drawing a connection to the method of income.
This valuation method is used widely when valuing strong businesses with significant goodwill. Some examples include engineering businesses and architectural firms. The excess earning valuation method can also be helpful when valuing manufacturing enterprises and established tech companies. Ideally, you should hire the best business valuation experts and consultants in Australia for the valuation.
3. Approaches Used in Asset Valuation
There are a few different approaches that are used in asset valuation, which depend largely on the asset’s nature and valuation’s purpose.
Comparable Sales Approach
This method is all about comparing the assets being valued to similar ones that were sold recently. It relies heavily on the market data while considering some vital factors like location, size, condition, etc.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis
DCF analysis involves estimating an asset’s current value by discounting the estimated future cash flows to their current value by utilising an adequate discount rate.
Option Pricing Models
For valuing assets that have option-like characteristics, including real estate options or stock options, option pricing models are the best approach. Typically, they consider factors like time to expiration and volatility.
Wrapping Up
There is no denying that asset valuation is a complicated procedure that demands an in-depth understanding of the involved methodologies and principles. By knowing the methods, such as the ones mentioned in this article, it will be easier to do asset valuation.